Every several years, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) conducts a scientific review of global climate change.  The most recent was the Assessment Report #6 which was started prior to the COP26 Climate Summit Meeting in 2021.  This set of reports will soon be finalized.  The reports from AR6 are grouped into three working groups (WG), where WG-I deals with the physical science basis, while WG-II deals with impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability, and WG-III focuses on mitigation of climate change.   We have copies of these reports. Here, on this webpage, they are available for visitors to download, or the visitor can attend the IPCC website directly.  More detail about the oceans is included in a set of reports from 2019, but here, only the ocean report (Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate) is included.  Finally, the IPCC began developing these periodic assessments in the late 1980’s and the first reports are dated 1990.  These early reports have been included here primarily as a historical record of the thoughts about climate change at that time.

the physical science basis

Figure from AR6-WG-I 2021



Figure from AR6-WG-II-2022



Figure from AR6-WG-III-2020

Map Source: AR6-WG-I page 51



AR6-WG-I 2021

The Physical Science Basis

  1. IPCC_AR6_WGI_Summary for Policymakers.   (32 pages  3,284 Kb)
  2. IPCC_AR6_WGI-Technical Summary.  (112 pages, 31679Kb


Graph source: AR6-WGII 2022 page.58

AR6-WG-II 2022

Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability 

  1. IPCC_AR6_WGII_Summary for Policymakers.  (34 pages, 1358 Kb)

  2. IPCC_AR6_WGII_Technical Summary.  (84 pages  15604 Kb)

  3. IPCC_AR6_Annex I.   (74 pages  68675 Kb)

Photo source: AR6-WGIII cover

AR6-WG-III 2020

Mitigation of Climate Change

  1. IPCC_AR6_WGIII_Summary for Policymakers ( 53 pages  2110 Kb)
  2. IPCC_AR6_WGIII_FinalDraft FullReport (2913 pages  86394 Kb)

Figure from summary for Policy Makers pg. 27

Special Report

on the Oceans and Cryosphere In a Changing Climate. 2019

  1. 01_SROCC_Summary for Policymakers.  2019  (36 pages  3094 Kb)
  2. 02_SROCC_Technical Summary_Final.  2019    (34 pages  4265 Kb)

  3. 03_SROCC_Ch01_FINAL.  2019   (60 pages 1602 Kb)

  4. 03_SROCC_Ch02_FINAL.  2019   (72 pages  5196 Kb)

  5. 03_SROCC_Ch03_FINAL.  2019   (118 pages  9315 Kb

  6. 03_SROCC_Ch04_FINAL.  2019   (126 pages  5600 Kb)

  7. 03_SROCC_Ch05_FINAL.  2019   (142 pages  13528 Kb)

  8. 03_SROCC_Ch06_FINAL.  2019   (68 pages  6359 Kb)

  9. 03_SROCC_AnnexI_Glossary_FINAL.  2019   (28 pages  202 Kb)

  10. 03_SROCC_CCB9_LLIC_FINAL.  2019   (18 pages  623 Kb)


Graph source: AR6-WGII 2022 pg.58


First Assessment Report

(FAR) – 1990

  1.  IPCC_FAR_WG_I_Full_Report.  1990  (414 pages  30152 Kb)

  2. IPCC_FAR_WG_II_Full_Report.  1990  (296 pages  7124 Kb)

  3. IPCC_FAR_WG_III_Full_Report.  1990  (332 pages  18244 Kb)

  4. IPCC_90_92_Assessment_FAR_Full_Report.  1992  (180 pages  14857 Kb)